Crochet Pocket Hugs-Random Acts of Kindness

Pocket Hug

Learn to make these adorable crochet pocket hugs, I first heard about in a group which is all about random acts of kindness. What are random acts of kindness. They can be anything you make and leave around town for others to find. Since I have started to these random acts of kindness I have not only touched many lives but enriched my own life. It gives me another purpose, just knowing that hopefully it gives the finder the same amount of joy I receive by making it brings me immense happiness. I not only leave crochet items I love to abandon painted rocks but I’ll share more of that in another post.

Here I wanted to share a pattern I have altered from the Random Acts of Crochet Kindness Group where I first learned of these super cute pockets hugs. Since then I created my own pattern and have abandoned many in my neighborhood. I’m hoping that you will join us in spreading love and kindness with this pattern. 🙂 It is super simple and works up very fast.

Skill: Beginner

Hook size: 3.75

Yarn: Any yarn

Googly eyes

Directions: (chain 2 don’t count in stitch count)

Magic Ring, ch 2

Row 1: 10 double crochet in magic ring, ch2

Row 2: 2 double crochet in each stitch, ch 2 (20)

Row 3: This where you add arms. Stitch as follows- double crochet in first stitch, increase in next stitch, repeat 4 more times. At the end of stitch 15 chain 10. (Picture for reference.) That is your first arm. Slip stitch in the 5th stitch and remaining 5 chains.

Stitch 15 where arm begins
Chain 10
Slip stich arm

Double crochet into next stitch, increase in following stitch, repeat until end of round. Repeat chain 10 directions for second arm. Slip stitch to very first double crochet to close. (30) Sew in ends.

2nd Arm

Heart Pattern:

Magic ring, ch 2

In magic ring- 7 double crochet, ch 1, double crochet, ch 1, 7 double crochet, ch 2, slip stitch, ch 1, fasten off. Pull both ends tightly to shape heart.


Hope you enjoyed this pattern. If you end up making some hugs using my pattern please tag me on social media using #mmcpattern
