Little Arts & Craft Exchange Library

Welcome the first of its kind Free Little Arts & Craft Exchange Library. I know you have heard of The Free Little Libraries that are popping up everywhere. If you would like to see if there is one by you or to get inspired to make your own make sure to go and check them out. I’ll be honest I got the idea to do my own from a little library near me. A friend of mine had an opening for her Liberty Park Library, it was the first I heard of this movement. I loved the idea of take one, leave one and of course it brought me back to my craft and crafting career. I am an artist/crafter who’s been teaching all types of crafts including but not limited to cake decorating, beading, crochet for over 20 years in my local community and on YouTube.

I joined several groups that were spreading love in the world by abandoning art for random people to find. I’d abandon rocks that I painted, items that I crocheted, craft samples from my videos and so much more. Which I of course I loved and still love doing, only problems is that I sometimes would forget to take the pieces with me when I left home. One day I looked over at the pile of art I had ready to abandon sitting on my table for what seemed like forever when the idea to create the LACE Library hit me. 😊

I would create a library where I can fill it up with my art and art from all over world. Where anyone can stop by and take an art piece and in return leave one if they would like. A place where you can come and just look and be inspired by others. I then started the planning process, what it would look like, how big, how small? Did I mention that I also wanted it to have a rock garden? How cool would that be? A million questions until I think I came up with the perfect design, now it is time to execute said design.

How can you help make this dream a reality you ask? Why thank you so much for asking, there are many ways you can support my dream. I’m allocating 30% from my sales to go toward the LACE Library. Donations are also welcomed. Other ways you can support is by joining, sharing the group and this information with your friends and family. If you are an artist or crafter you can donate a piece or two for the library. Please contact me for more information on donating your art. I want to thank you in advance for your support. 💖

Glendale NY 11385