Foam Notebooks

I bought a huge pack of foam for some projects I had in mind. Then of course I think of more projects I can do with them like these foam notebook covers. They are the perfect size to fit over a dollar tree mini composition notebook. I have tons in my stash from when everything at the dollar tree was only a $1…those were the good old days. lol If you think of it even at $1.25, they are still a great deal. Once you make these covers they are an even better deal, since you will use a whole pack of the notebooks and the cover as a small gift for any occasion as long as you decorate accordingly. You can cover one notebook and tie the other two with a ribbon.

They take only a few minutes to make once you have your design sketched out. All you have to do is print your image, trace and cut. Then have fun painting and viola… Instant cute gift idea. I must warn you, when you see how quick and easy these are you will be thinking of who else may benefit from one these gifts. I say while you’re at it make one for yourself.

Would love to see what ideas you guys come up with so make sure to tag me on all social media platforms here.